
Red Bourbon varieties thrive in Burundi, renowned for their sweetness and body, contributing to the bold body, citrusy notes, and bright acidity of Burundian coffees. Kirundo, with its high altitude (1,730 masl) and low humidity, provides an optimal environment for preserving coffee quality. Processing occurs at night, and cherry reception spans from sunrise to early night hours, allowing farmers to focus on delivering top-notch quality.

Burundi BAA2201

Region: Kirundo Bugesera

Crop: August 2022

Process: Natural

Variety: Bourbon

Altitude: 1500-1800m

Farm size:  1.1 Ha

Cupping Notes: Vanilla, Molasses, Black Cherry, Salted Caramel, Sweet Green Apple Acidity, Rounded body, dried Apricot.

Burundi BAB2202

Region: Kirundo Bugesera

Crop: August 2022

Process: Natural

Variety: Bourbon

Altitude: 1500-1800m

Farm size:  1.1 Ha

Cupping Notes: Fruity grape flavor, Ripe Tamarind, Black cherry, Pineapple jam, Sweet, Structured acidity, delicate body, Hint of Strawberry.

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