
SL-28 and SL-34, renowned coffee varieties from Kenya, swiftly became the preferred choices for many growers. The Western region, characterized by fertile soils and consistent annual rainfall, stands out as a prime producer of exceptional Kenyan coffee beans. In areas such as Eldoret, Bungoma, Kakamega, and Vihiga, numerous coffee farmers thrive. The elevated altitudes at which the beans are cultivated result in a slower growth pace compared to lower altitudes. This slower growth not only provides additional nutrients but also allows the beans more time to develop their flavors and achieve full maturity.

Kenya KH6522

Region: Bungoma, Kakameg

Crop: August 2022

Process: Fully Washed

Variety: SL-34

Altitude: 1600-2100m

Farm size:  1.6 Ha

Cupping Notes: Chocolate, Sweet Caramel, Black tea, Plum, Sweet spice, Dried fruits, Rounded body & orange acidity.

Kenya KH7522

Region: Bungoma, Kakamega

Crop: August 2022

Process: Fully Washed

Variety: SL-34

Altitude: 1600-2100m

Farm size:  1.6 Ha

Cupping Notes: Sweet tobacco, Honey, Cardamon, Spice, Salted Caramel, Dark chocolate, Finished creamy mouthfeel, Supportive malic acidity, Medium body.

Kenya KH8522

Region: Bungoma, Kakamega

Crop: August 2022

Process: Fully Washed

Variety: SL-34

Altitude: 1600-2100m

Farm size:  1.6 Ha

Cupping Notes: Caramel, Roasted nuts, Sweet spice, cinnamon, Orange Jam, Cherry, Sweet Floral.

Kenya KH9522

Region: Bungoma, Kakamega

Crop: August 2022

Process: Fully Washed

Variety: SL-34

Altitude: 1600-2100m

Farm size:  1.6 Ha

Cupping Notes: Chocolate, Dark chocolate, Sweet Caramel taste, Black tea, Plum, Dried fruits, Orange acidity.

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