
Mercafe Dalat Barrel Aged Arabica coffee stands out among our finest specialty coffee offerings, meticulously crafted through a meticulous selection of premium coffee beans and a delicate aging process within oak barrels.

We exclusively use high-quality “wet-hulled beans” to create this distinctive coffee, sourced from a carefully chosen group of farmers in the elevated Caudat village of Lam Dong province, Vietnam.

Employing expert hand-garbling, we select only the best bold “wet-hulled” beans for the production of this premium coffee. The aging process takes place in oak barrels, where the beans are aged in small batches. This careful procedure involves periodic turning of the barrels at regular intervals and vigilant monitoring of the beans to achieve optimal aging.

The result of this artisanal approach is an outstanding coffee with a subtle caramel aroma, robust body, medium acidity, and a distinctive flavor profile featuring ripe grape notes with a hint of spice.

Lam Dong, Vietnam

Region: Lam Dong

Crop: Dec – Jan

Process: Fully washed & Aged in Oak B arrels laced with ripe grapes.

Screen Size: 90%>Sc16

Cupping Notes: Good body, medium acidity, and a distinct taste with a slight spicy note.

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